Handbook Of Research On Consumption, Media, And Popular Culture In The Global Age eBook


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If you are a small to mid-size business owner who wants to understand online news promotion, or work for a PR firm who wants to add online optimization and SEO to your press releases, this book is written for you. Learn to identify trends and find local angles that will capture both journalist attention and deliver online visibility. ‘I Need a Killer Press Release–Now What???’ is filled with useful links and examples for online publicity. You will learn how to: Get to know free online tools to help identify what customers want to know. Identify what is newsworthy and establish yourself as an expert which brings both news coverage and visitors to your web site. Understand the differences and advantages of optimizing a press release and have a good idea how to do it. See the incredible advantage of using online distribution to reach both media, bloggers, search engines, and potential customers. You will also: Read reviews of online news distribution web sites for their visibility and get an idea of costs. Learn how press releases combined with social media is key for marketing online. Get techniques to market your business for less using online marketing techniques — the results are measurable and long-term compared to other forms of marketing. Get incredible visibility for your news by using these winning press release methods. ‘I Need a Killer Press Release’ also addresses how you can use social bookmarking sites such as Delicious, and major social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. You can reach your audience even if you don’t have a presence on these sites.


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