The opening chapter explains the recent growth of industry PR, and travel & tourism news coverage which today focuses on the considerable economic benefits of the industry. Additionally, it reviews the leading news media that covers the industry, the primary PR tools and audiences, and details the factors leading to PR’s new prominence across the industry. It also provides informative sidebars with lists of key industry print media, top travel agencies, plus a Travel Industry Association of America case study of a post-9/11/2001 campaign to restore American confidence in travelling. It also includes a composite definition of PR, and tells how PR is a discipline distinctively different from publicity, propaganda, advertising, and marketing. The author notes how, over the past decade due to economic conditions, PR in many cases has been integrated with marketing communications and played an important role in both strategic and tactical marketing activities. Following this overview, the ensuing five chapters examine communications model specifics that are of special importance to the industry’s major sectors: hotels/lodging establishments; restaurants; tourist attractions/destinations; and transportation services. Each of these sectors have their ownspecial messages, PR tools, and audiences. For example, meeting planners and travel agents are of most importance to hotels, while travel agents are of little importance to airlines and restaurants. Also included is a chapter about what travel employers should understand about PR The chapters will be followed by appendices that will include:The top 30 U.S. Travel & Tourism Professional/Trade Associations; and the Leading U.S. Travel & Tourism Universities. * Provides a comprehensive how-to guide for travel & tourism PR practitioners to increase profits and enhance the visibility and image of their company or client* Introduces the key domestic/international media and audiences that PR pros in travel & tourism need to target, plus what the best PR tools are to use — including crisis communication — along with case studies * Addresses the unique communication challenges in each major industry sector as faced by travel & tourism PR professionals through perspectives from industry experts * Features a dozen sidebar contributions by some of the industry’s top PR experts and media stars* Advises industry employers about the value of PR, what it is and is not, and suggests ways to identify PR talent
Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective, Sixth Edition eBook
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