The Data Revolution: Big Data, Open Data, Data Infrastructures and Their Consequences eBook


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If you’re passionate about programming and want to get better at it, you’ve come to the right source. Code Craft author Pete Goodliffe presents a collection of useful techniques and approaches to the art and craft of programming that will help boost your career and your well-being.

Goodliffe presents sound advice that he’s learned in 15 years of professional programming. The book’s standalone chapters span the range of a software developer’s life—dealing with code, learning the trade, and improving performance—with no language or industry bias. Whether you’re a seasoned developer, a neophyte professional, or a hobbyist, you’ll find valuable tips in five independent categories:

  • Code-level techniques for crafting lines of code, testing, debugging, and coping with complexity
  • Practices, approaches, and attitudes: keep it simple, collaborate well, reuse, and create malleable code
  • Tactics for learning effectively, behaving ethically, finding challenges, and avoiding stagnation
  • Practical ways to complete things: use the right tools, know what “done” looks like, and seek help from colleagues
  • Habits for working well with others, and pursuing development as a social activity


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