E-marketing is rapidly growing in significance and is having a direct impact upon traditional marketing strategy and operations. It requires planning and innovation to make it work, implying organisational commitment and effective management, supported by appropriate technology, process and structure. Fully updated to reflect the latest developments in e-marketing, Marketing the eBusiness, Second Edition unpicks the challenges of e-marketing for many types of business. It uses topical case studies and accompanying web material to provide an up-to-date study of effective marketing strategies. This updated edition features coverage of such emerging topics as: Mobile marketing Social networking and blogging E-segmentation Customer relationship marketing online Providing a new approach to the subject matter, this book analyses the benefits of e-marketing as a tool for improving efficiency and effectiveness rather than promising business revolution. Written in a student-friendly style and fully enhanced with such pedagogical features as topic maps, boxed examples and discussion questions, the book is ideal for use by students.

How Brands Grow: What Marketers Don’t Know eBook
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