Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective, 6/e, by Belch and Belch, is the number one text in the Advertising market. As the field of advertising and promotion continues to dramatically change since the dominant days of high-powered Madison Avenue agencies, marketers must look beyond traditional media in order to achieve success. In order to best communicate with consumers, advertisers must utilize a myriad of tools (advertising, public relations, direct marketing, interactive/Internet marketing, sales promotion, and personal selling); Belch/Belch is the first book to reflect the shift from the conventional methods of advertising to the more widely recognized approach of implementing an integrated marketing communications strategy. The text underscores the importance of recognizing that a firm must use all promotional tools available to convey a unified message to the consumer. The integrated marketing communications perspective, (the theme of the text), catapults the reader into the business practices of the 21st century.

Marketing Demystified eBook
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