Sustainable Development Goals: Harnessing Business to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals Through Technology, Innovation and Financing eBook


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Most traditional narratives portray humanity’s use of other animals as natural and necessary for human social development and present the idea that capitalism is generally a positive force in the world. But is this worldview accurate, or just a convenient, easy-to-accept way to ignore what is really happening–a systematic oppression of animals that simultaneously results in environmental destruction and places insurmountable obstacles in the path to a sustainable and peaceful future?

David Nibert’sAnimal Oppression and Capitalismis a timely two-volume set that calls into question the capitalist system at a point in human history when inequality and the imbalance in the distribution of wealth are growing domestically and internationally. Expert contributors show why the oppression of animals–particularly the use of other animals as food–is increasingly being linked to unfavorable climate change and the depletion of fresh water and other vital resources. Readers will also learn about the tragic connections between the production of animal products and global hunger and expanded regional violence and warfare, and they will understand how many common human health problems–including heart attacks, strokes, and various forms of cancer–develop as a result of consuming animal products.


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