People who argue that “Bosnia’s Muslims are secular” are only partly correct in that they *were* secular. The Bosnian war opened the doors of opportunity and hardline, radical Muslims came through the threshold. Most Muslims don’t travel half way across the world to fight a war alongside Muslim “brothers” who don’t even share a common language unless they are jihadists and make it their life’s purpose to serve Allah by battling the kafirs wherever there is a need. These same individuals brought their jihadi skills to Bosnia and formed the El-Mujahedin Brigade. To the unskilled Bosnian Muslims, these were true jihad professionals. They offered to help train the locals in jihadi tactics but part of this training included lessons in “true Islam” because, as secular Muslims, they were practicing Islam “incorrectly.” Long story short, many of these foreign fighters remained in Bosnia, married locals, started families, got jobs with NGOs who began paying locals and providing them with services the post-war Bosnian government could not provide, and, in doing so, have established a technique of indoctrination. Sarajevo is a very European-like city, but spend some time in front of the King Fahd mosque (established and owned by Saudi Arabia) and see the long bearded, fundamentally dressed men walking in and out for prayer and sermons. Go to Gornja Maoca, Jajce, Zenica, etc., and see the “secular” Bosnian women covered from head to toe as they would be in any other “non-secular” Islamic state. Then, read the various press articles to see how many of these “secular” types have been brought up on charges of various terrorist-acts. Secular Bosnia exists no more. The saddest thing is that this transformation happened right under the noses of the various western peacekeeping forces.
Read the book and enjoy it. Pay no heed to the 1-star reviewers who are obviously missing the point of the piece.
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